Full name
Date of birth
City, name of university, faculty (full name), major and year of study
Phone number
Size of T-shirt
Address of the registration
Actual address
Marital status
Extra skills (sports achievements, graduated from art or music school and etc.)
What’s your hobby? What do you like doing in your free time?
Level of English
Level of other languages (except English) (mention as well level as preintermediate/intermediate and etc.)
What is/are your greatest achievement/s?
Do/Did you do social work? If «yes» then when, where and in what form was it? What was the result of your work?
How did you know about the RANEPA International Summer Campus?
What was the reason why you’ve decided to participate in this Forum?
People who could recommend you: Full name, Place of work, Position, Phone number
Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan
Fatykha Karima str., 20-4
E-mail: summercampustrt@gmail.com